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Learn Army tasks in a fun and interactive game environment. Go to to create your account, you must contact your recruiter or Recruiting Center and ask for the center's RSID to begin your Army training.

Financial Management

There is a NEW Financial Management Class located on the Additional Training tab of the FSTS. This class is designed to give you a better understanding of successful financial strategies.

All Married Future Soldiers

If you are a married Future Soldier and have not already provided your Spouse the opportunity to register with the Family Information Center (FIC) do so now! The FIC provides new Army Spouses with a source to ask questions and receive specific information regarding countless topics ranging from TriCare and benefits to finance and DEERs enrollment! You can register your Spouse by either emailing or telephoning us. EMAIL: PHONE: 877-535-6387 TOLL FREE

Newest Future Soldiers

Please welcome our newest Future Soldiers

Medical Officer Orientation

These talking points are primarily for your recruiter to assist with your initial orientation. However, the following th ings are what you can expect to discuss with your recruiter during your initial orientation briefing.

  • Explain the commissioning ceremony process
  • Introduce FS to the Future Soldier Portal (FSP) by clicking the Future Soldier Training link on the navigation bar, and using the Future Soldiers user name and password to log into the FSP. Enter the FSP
  • Supervise the Soldier as they create their account.
  • Introduce FS to Medical Operations Data System (MODS)
  • Execute Department of the Army SHARP training
  • Discuss BOLC graduation requirements
  • Schedule and discuss the requirements of the Occupational Physical Assessment Test (OPAT).
  • Discuss the requirement for the Future Soldier to contact his or her recruiter each month.
  • Give Future Soldier schedules for Future Soldier Training Functions.
  • Discuss importance of maintaining mental, physical, and moral eligibility.

NOTE: Driving Information

  • Fort Sam Houston is considered a "walking campus". Parking directly adjacent the AMEDD C & S is for staff use only and is not authorized for BOLC students. For in-processing, please park across the street from the AMEDD museum to avoid being ticketed. You will be given more information regarding authorized student parking areas when you in-process.
  • You must utilize a hands free telephone device when talking on cell phones while driving on Fort Sam Houston. TEXTING while driving is NOT authorized within the city of San Antonio or on Fort Sam Houston.
  • You are not required to have a Fort Sam Houston Department of Defense (DoD) registration sticker on your vehicle to obtain access to the base. For more info on accessing Fort Sam Houston, please refer to the FAQ page attached.
    Students are not authorized to drive motorcycles while in BOLC.

Family Members: click here to access information designed to assist families of Future Soldiers

Training Locations

Family Services

Army Strong logo Future Soldier Family


Click here to access online training and links to assist you in preparing for Initial Entry Training.

Register for Future Soldier Training System account

Future Soldier Training Program

Future Soldier Chat
Click the link below to access chat rooms that are designed specifically for Future Soldiers.
Future Soldier Training

The Future Soldier Training is now available.

Enter the FSTS

Referral Program

Interested in earning a promotion, or even more as a Future Soldier?

Visit the Referrals page for details