Recruiting Assistance Program
Hometown Recruiter Assistant Program (HRAP)
The Hometown Recruiter Assistance Program (HRAP) allows Soldiers who have recently completed Advanced Individual Training (AIT), One Station Unit Training (OSUT) or Army Civilian Acquired Skills Training (ACASP) to return to their hometowns to assist the local recruiters by sharing their Army training experiences with family, friends, high school classmates, Future Soldiers, veterans, and community leaders.
HRAP Soldiers report to the recruiting centers and accompany recruiters throughout the community to assist in obtaining quality referrals for enlistment.
Active Duty Operational Support, Reserve Component (ADOS-RC)
Army Reserve Soldiers of all ranks can support local recruiters through the Active Duty Operational Support, Reserve Component (ADOS-RC) program to help generate referrals that will result in Army Reserve enlistments.
Tours are normally 5 to 14 days.
Reserve Soldiers who are interested in supporting recruiting should contact their local recruiter to discuss potential dates and recruiting activities and tour objectives.
A tour request and justification memorandum for Active Duty Operational Support, Reserve Component must be completed by the Reserve Soldier and the recruiter, and sent to Recruiting Battalion Reserve operations for review and approval based on funds availability and tour justification/goal.
Soldiers performing ADOS-RC serve their tours within a 50-mile radius of their residence or Reserve Troop Program Unit (TPU) and must provide their own transportation to the tour site. Soldiers must have approved orders from their TPU sent to the local Recruiting Battalion Reserve operations before reporting for duty. They must also bring copies with them when they report to the recruiting company/station.
Duty cannot be performed without approved orders from Soldier's unit.
Family Members: click here to access information designed to assist families of Future Soldiers
Training Locations
Family Services
Future Soldier Family
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