Army OneSource
Army OneSource (AOS) is a Secretary of the Army Initiative to provide comprehensive community support and service delivery for Service members and their Families regardless of component or geographic location. Army OneSource is helping communities mobilize by creating State Alliances. Through the development of State Alliances, AOS is creating a community support system. State Alliances
Army OneSource State Alliances build community capacity to provide services that improve outcomes for Service members and their Families. Alliances include civilian service and support systems critical to successfully mitigating the negative consequences of the combat experience.
Behavioral Health Alliances - National and State level agencies, associations, educational institutions, and first responders engaged in educating the behavioral health community on military culture and best practices for assessing and treating behavioral health issues resulting from the trauma of war thereby improving access to care.
Legal Alliances - Legal associations and law schools aimed at educating legal professionals and students on the unique legal needs of Service members and engaging them in providing pro-bono services and military legal support.
Faith based Alliances - Military Chaplains, national faith-based organizations, clergy, and local churches who are building services and support to meet the spiritual and emotional needs of Service members and their Families.
Financial Alliances - DoD approved financial institutions and professional associations working to raise awareness of the financial challenges of Service members and increasing the use of financial readiness tools and training among Military Families.
Community Support Coordinators
Army OneSource Community Support Coordinators (CSCs) are responsible for building service capacity for geographically dispersed Service members and their Families through the mobilization of the community. CSCs accomplish this by:
- Developing executive-level relationships in public, private and non-profit circles within the areas of behavioral health, finance, legal, and faith.
- Conducting on-going assessments of their state to identify the most critical Service member/Family member needs and service gaps.
- Bringing real time data about Military Family needs into the state and local planning processes.
- Initiating state-level "Alliances" which are sharply focused on building service capacity in the areas of greatest need.
- Helping communities develop a focus on Service member issues as well as the capacity of state and community systems to respond.
- Elevating the visibility and needs of the often isolated and invisible Service member, Family member and Veteran.