Enlisted Orientation
These talking points are primarily for your recruiter to assist with your initial orientation. However, the following things are what you can expect to discuss with your recruiter during your initial orientation briefing.
- Review of the Future Soldier Welcome Kit (RPI200).
- Discuss the individual's guarantee(s) and projected AD date or projected IADT date.
- Review Statement of Understanding (SOU) with Future Soldiers who have the PaYS option. Discuss and answer questions on the PaYS program with the Future Soldier. Ensure they understand the benefits of the program.
- Discuss and explain prohibited activities. Fill out and sign DD form 2983, Recruit/Trainee Prohibited Activities Acknowledgment.
- Supervise the Future Soldier as they create their GoArmy.com account.
- Introduce Future Soldier to the Future Soldier Portal (FSP) by clicking the Future Soldier Training link on the navigation bar. Have the Future Soldier log into the FSP using their GoArmy user name and password and provide an overview on the training modules.
- Discuss ConAP and complete the ConAP College Referral form.
- Discuss the opportunity for Advanced Rank while in the Future Soldier Training Program (FSTP).
- Discuss importance of maintaining mental, physical, and moral eligibility.
- Schedule and discuss the requirements of the Occupational Physical Assessment Test (OPAT).
- Discuss the requirement for the Future Soldier to contact his or her recruiter every 2 weeks and have one office meeting with the Future Soldier each month.
- Provide Future Soldier with near term training schedule.
- Answer Questions and/or concerns the Future Soldier may have and introduce them to the SF1199 Direct Deposit Form and explain its usage.
- Introduce BT Packing List to Future Soldier.
All Recruiters conducting an Initial Orientation with female Future Soldiers will counsel them on their option to voluntarily accept or decline the use of Multi Vitamin with Iron (MVI) while in Initial Military Training (IMT). Reception Battalion's will offer the MVI to female Soldiers only. This initiative is to help lower the risk of injuries among women in IMT.
+ Provide the following in response to questions regarding the practice of iron supplementation for female IMT Soldiers.
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