Documents You May Need
- Social Security card
- Valid driver's license or current state identification card
- A direct deposit form from your checking account signed by a bank official, or the name, address, account number and routing number of your financial institution (if applicable)
- Original or certified copies of your marriage certificate, divorce decree or separation order (if applicable)
- Original or certified copies of birth certificates of children under 18; affidavit of support from parents; court documents and direct deposit forms if ordered to pay spousal and/or child support (if applicable)
- Proof of citizenship (if you were not born in the United States)
- If you are married to a service member in the military, you need to have the name, Social Security number and military address of your spouse
- Copies of your lease agreement or rental contract for any dependents residing outside of government quarters (if applicable)
- Original or certified ROTC documentation (if applicable)
- Original college transcripts; GED or high school diploma
- DA form 71 (Oath of Office) – 3 copies 1) If you are on active duty and have not been administered the oath you will complete an Active Duty Oath of Office on Day 1 of the course. If you have a reserve and/or active duty oath, bring copies of both. (AMEDD ONLY)
- Computer resources are limited at Fort Sam Houston and students that have personal computers are highly encouraged to bring it with them to BOLC, for use in their quarters. Additionally, students will be issued course material (on CD) that they will be required to read, study, and learn, while they are attending the course. (AMEDD ONLY)
- Due to ongoing uniform shortages at Fort Sam Houston, students are strongly recommended to make arrangements for uniforms prior to arriving at the BOLC course. (AMEDD ONLY)
- Bring a copy of immunization records or proof of immunity as well as medical and dental records, to include a copy of a well woman exam completed within the past 12 months (if applicable). If you do not have your records and they are not already in the system, you may need to get them done again at Fort Sam Houston. (AMEDD ONLY)
Your Orders
Be sure to have all copies of orders and documents issued by your unit Recruiter and/or MEPS. These orders must be delivered by you and by hand. Travel and meal tickets will be provided.
Family Members: click here to access information designed to assist families of Future Soldiers
Training Locations
Family Services
Future Soldier Family
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