Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) - Army Reserve Eligibility
Must have incurred one of the following loans since Oct. 1, 1975, and before or during the term of enlistment:
- The Stafford Student Loan, formerly the Guaranteed Student Loan.
- The Perkins Loan, formerly the National Direct Student Loan.
- Federally Insured Student Loan.
- Auxiliary Loans to Assist Students.
- Parents Loans for Undergraduate Students (incurred or the use of the individual contracting for the LRP).
- Supplemental Loans for Students.
- Consolidated Loan Program (incurred in the Soldier's name).
- Some dollar amounts are subject to change each fiscal year. Please contact a Recruiter for specific information and/or values.
To qualify for loan repayment
- Must be a high school diploma graduate.
- Non-prior service applicants must score 50 or higher on the ASVAB.
- Must enlist in a unit or MOS that has been established as bonus eligible by headquarters, Department of the Army.
- Prior service and in-service personnel must enlist, reenlist or extend for three or more years.
- Non-prior service applicants must enlist with an initial assignment to a Troop Program Unit for at least six years of their initial eight-year military service obligation.
For an Army Reserve enlistment, the benefit is $1,500 or 15 percent
(whichever is greater) repayment on the outstanding balance of qualifying loans for each year of satisfactory service. Maximum benefit is $10,000 except for selected specialties that qualify for up to $40,000 maximum benefit.
U.S. Army Loan Repayment Program (LRP) (Active Duty Only) Eligibility
The Loan Repayment Program is an incentive designed to increase enlistments of recruits with college education.
The following loans are eligible for repayment:
- Any loan made, insured or guaranteed under part B of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1071 et seq.)
- Any loan made under part D of such title (the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, 20 U.S.C. 1087 a et seq.)
- Any loan made under part E of such title (20 U.S.C. 1087 aa Et seq.)
- Any loan incurred for educational purpose made by a lender that is:
--an agency or instrumentality of a state
--a financial or credit institution (including an insurance company)
that is subject to examination and supervision by an agency of the United States or any state subject to case-by-case review/approval by HRC Education Incentives.
--From a pension fund or a non-profit private entity subject to case-by-case review/approval by headquarters, Department of the Army HRC Education Incentives Division To qualify - Must be non-prior service.
- Must be secondary school graduate.
- Must disenroll from the Montgomery GI Bill.
- Loans must be incurred prior to entry on active duty.
- Must enlist for a three-year term in an MOS that offers the LRP.
- Applicant must request a deferment or forbearance on their loan from his/her lender. A deferment or
forbearance is not automatic but is subject to bank approval. Active Army LRP participants earn their first loan
repayment after completion of a full year of active duty and additional payments for each full year thereafter,
up to 3 years. Each payment consists of 33-1/3% or $1,500 whichever is greater on the total remaining original
unpaid principal. HRC Education Incentives authorizes Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) to disburse
appropriate payment to the loan holder. The Department of the Army will pay no interest, loan balances in default,
or any other charges.
Note: Repayment under the LRP is not automatic. Applicants must fully understand DA Form 3286-66, especially the requirement to provide timely loan information to HRC Education Incentives at DA before any loans will be paid. - Some dollar amounts are subject to change each fiscal year. Please contact a Recruiter for specific information and/or values.
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